I live in Taos, New Mexico and married to the most wonderful man, Greg Moon. Greg is a talented artist and he owns a studio/gallery on historic Kit Carson road here in Taos. We met in Austin, Texas when I was working at Dell Computers and he was attending University of Texas. We have two dogs, Raoul, and Lil Bit. Raoul “Malo” is our pittie-mix and is our junkyard dog. He’s scrappy and if there is trouble to be found, he finds it. We also have our cat Monkey, who is the most senior of our aging brood. In her old age, she has taken to caterwauling loudly to make her presence known at 3am. The dogs and cat live in harmony for the most part.
I grew up in Wichita, Kansas and lived there until I was 27, when I moved to Austin, Texas after attending the 1st annual SXSW Music Festival. I came home from that trip, my mind made up that THAT’S where I wanted to live…hands down. I moved there within 6 months. I lived in Austin until 1994, when I moved to Taos to marry the love of my life, Greg, who had lived there for a few years (we had an on-off kind of dating trend since 1988, when we met). After a stint in Santa Fe during our first year and half of marriage, we moved back to Taos to open an art gallery, Dos Lunas Gallery. The gallery was our life blood for eight years, until we closed it. My current iteration of work as he Director of Operations & Projects at Brownrice Internet since 2005.
I love my work, I love my husband, I love my home & town that I live in. My life is good….and yet, the rest of the world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket!