Author Archives: admin

The Moon’s Abroad in 2023!

The Moon’s Abroad in 2023!

We are off on another European adventure for 5 weeks! Starting in Amsterdam, then to Germany to visit the Kriess ancestral home in Prenzlau, then on to Berlin, then to Prague, Vienna and Salzburg, Austria, then back to Germany to Nuremburg, before returning to Amsterdam. Traveling by train throughout.

The Moons’ Adventure Across the Pond

The Moons’ Adventure Across the Pond

the moons big adventureGreg and I have never traveled to Europe.  We’ve traveled extensively in the US and Mexico.  Been to the Bahamas once, but never across the pond until now.  It became almost a holy grail pursuit that we would dream about every year, saying to ourselves, when we go to Europe… but it never happened until now.  What started out as an opportunity to have a free place to stay in Crete for two weeks, quickly expanded to Amsterdam and then Ireland.  I hope to blog a little about the trip as it unfolds and share it with those that are interested.   Wish us luck in our travels!

Arrow Motel, Española, NM

Arrow Motel, Española, NM

Available at

Greg Moon Art Studio and Gallery

sold one of my favorite prints yesterday.

Arrow Motel

“Arrow Motel, Española, NM” 18 x 24″ $425.00 (framed)

There’s more available!

GO TO GIRL Business & Web Support Service – Business Launch

GO TO GIRL Business & Web Support Service – Business Launch


GO TO GIRL – Business and Web Support Services

Launching new business Go To Girl Inc.
When you need extra help or a skill set you don’t currently have for your business technical and organizational needs….I’m your Go To Girl. Freelance project manager with 25+ years of experience working for small tech and art businesses ready to help with whatever is needed.
I know about business technology and the online world that you shouldn’t have to take the time to figure out.
Go To Girl, Inc. is a mix of services for whatever you need…website creation and maintenance, email marketing, assisting, office organization, training…you name it, Go To Girl can provide a solution.

Saints and Sinners Neon Photography

Saints and Sinners Neon Photography

In the past few years I have been taking photographs of Neon signs and old signs that interest me.  I have finally made the step of actually printing and framing some and my husband has been kind enough to hang them in his art gallery in Taos (see Greg Moon Art).  He also talked me into entering a few of them at the Fall Arts Taos Open Exhibition.  Yesterday, a  previous collector of Greg’s purchased one of my Saints and Sinners photographs (I’m bonafide now!)

Saints & Sinners  Digital Photograph by Vanessa Moon

Saints & Sinners
Digital Photograph by Vanessa Moon



Turning 50

Turning 50

Last month I turned 50.  Surprisingly, this didn’t bother me nearly as much as I expected it to.  As I get older, I realize the pageantry of celebrating birthdays is overrated.  Three days prior to turning 50,  my husband and I celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary.  Maybe the anniversary of our wedding of seventeen years takes the sting out of moving into a different decade and starting the slow (or fast, depending on your perspective, as time is speeding up and marching on) descent into the autumn of my life. I don’t feel 50…. I feel more like 38.

My wedding/birthday anniversary was marked by a peculiar and quirky bunch of gifts, that upon reflection, I wonder, if looked at as a whole, says something about who I am.  For starters, my husband gave me a .12 gauge shotgun for our anniversary.  Am I a gun enthusiast you might ask?  No, not a bit, never have I shot a gun in my life! However, the first week after my birthday, we went target practicing, and it wasn’t so bad.  I also received a 10 yr bottle of Laphroaig (mmm, that lovely peaty liquid smoke, love it), a rope hammock, a cook book titled “365 Ways To Cook Hamburger” (Ugh, hamburger!  So not a fan), a used grass cutting garden tool, and an “astrological chart reading” (from my friend Jennifer, who is walking proof that you can take the girl out of LA but you can’t take the LA-LA out of the girl.  Love you Jen!).

My friend Sharron also gave me a small box of chewing gum contained in a tin that read “I need more money and power and less shit from you people.”  It was such a small funny gift, but this is how my friends perceive me. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?  Hmmmm, don’t really give a damn, so I guess that in itself makes it true, whether good or bad.

Time marches on and the world is a crazy place.  I am defined on my 50th year, in this world, at this time, as a menopausal, gun-toting, scotch drinking bitch, swinging on my hammock, contemplating the fact that my astrological chart indicates that I’m going to be operating out of my comfort zone…until September 17, 2012.

okey dokey.
Money and Power